links for 2007-03-07
Wednesday, 7th March 2007
- Floating Eco-Homes In The Netherlands (TreeHugger)
“Dutch construction company, Dura Vermeer, has developed homes that can float with rising waters…. The next time the Meuse river bursts its banks, the house[s] will rise with it”
(tags: architecture globalwarming ecofriendly sustainability)
- Inhabitat
“a downright awesome project that turns fancy footwork into kilowatts to power the club’s basic utilities”
(tags: architecture ecofriendly inspiration sustainability downrightawesome)
- Inhabitat: ZAHA HADID’s Performing Arts Centre in Abu Dhabi
I’m not usually a huge fan of Zaha Hadid, but these concept images are incredibly sexy.
(tags: architecture design wherearethewomen zahahadid)