links for 2007-02-27
Tuesday, 27th February 2007
- Inhabitat: BEIJING BUBBLE BUILDING: China�s National Swim Center
If I’d know this was taking so long to build, I’d have been less worried about cribbing it back in 2003!!
(tags: swimmingpool beijingolympics etfe architecture)
- BLDGBLOG: I think I may be involved in some different types of architecture than these people
Gawker asks: “So what is it like being surrounded by nubile 23 year olds in khaki coordinates at all times?” “I am not really sure, to be honest with you,” Frankie answers. “I think I may be involved in some different types of architecture than these people
(tags: architecture advertising fashion comment)
- BLDGBLOG: Interchange Tiles
“So you can decorate your bathroom with the freeways of Barcelona.”
(tags: design)